Intimate Laser Hair Removal for Men

Intimate shaving and waxing is a pretty standard grooming habit for thousands of men, however, its a monthly, ongoing, lifetime commitment.  This means monthly visits and monthly payments for life.

With laser hair removal, once its gone, its gone!

So lets answer some popular questions around Intimate Laser Hair Removal for Men.


1. How do I prepare for my consultation?

During your consultation we will explain how laser hair removal works, take some detailed information from you in relation to your health, skin and hair type and also complete a patch test in the treated areas.

We need to look at your hair during the consultation, so we do ask you to grow out your hair a little so we can see the hair color, thickness etc.  This will then enable us to provide the right advice and treatment plan for you.


2. What do I need to do to prepare for my laser treatment?

You will need to shave all treated areas the night before.  (Do not wax or epilate as we need the hair follicle intact to destroy it!)

Don’t worry if there is the odd stray hair as we are able to razor, but you must try to ensure all areas are fully shaved to see the best results.

After your treatment, we provide you with Aloe Vera gel and an exfoliation mitt.  Approximately 14 days after treatment, we encourage you to gently exfoliate in the shower to help remove hairs as they will start to shed and come away.


3. What will happen when I arrive for my laser treatment – do I need to take my boxers off?

Well yes, you will need to remove your undies!

First of all, we want to reassure you that you don’t need to be self-conscious.  We have seen it all before and we are here to do a professional hair removal service for you.

We have a private bathroom and shower facilities for you to undress and we provide you with robes, towels and additional paper sheets to protect your modesty.


4. How do you do the laser treatment?

Once you are changed, we will ask you to lie down on the therapy couch and we apply cooling packs and a fine layer of cooling gel to the areas to be treated and the laser is applied.

We will work with you to ensure all your bits, nooks and crannies are fully lasered whilst ensuring your modesty, but its quite a quick treatment and so you will be in and out before you even have time to blush!

Once the treatment is complete, we provide wipes to remove the gel and you can use the private shower facilities to ensure that all the gel is fully removed.  And that’s it!


5. Will it hurt?

Laser hair removal can be described as mild discomfort, but it is not painful as we have the most advanced laser system with built in cooling facilities.  We also apply cooling packs prior and after treatment.  The sensation is like a small flick to the skin / pin prick, but its a very quick treatment so its over very quickly.

The first session will probably be the worst as the hair is most dense and thick, however, we usually destroy up to 50% of your hair from just one session so as you progress, with less and less hair to destroy, the feeling and sensations become much lower each time you visit.

We will talk you through the process and work with you as we know we are working in your most intimate and delicate area, but honestly, it’s no way near as bad as you think!


6.  Will it be embarrassing having intimate laser hair removal?

We certainly wont feel embarrassed as we specialise in intimate laser hair removal for both men and women so we have seen it all and performed lots of treatments.

The beauty of coming to Lancashire Laser Clinic is that it is a private clinic, we only provide laser hair removal and specialise in intimate hair removal so we do this every day!

So honestly, please do not worry!


7. What do I need to do after treatment?

You can apply aloe vera gel to the treated areas and approximately 14 days after treatment, we encourage you to gently exfoliate in the shower.

Your hair will grow and start to shed, i.e. fall out.  This is because we have destroyed the hair follicle, so during this phase, we encourage you to exfoliate as this helps the shedding process.


8. What do I need to do in between my laser hair appointments?

We usually destroy up to 50% of your hair from the first treatment.  You will need a minimum of 6 treatments to fully destroy all the hair and this is completed over 12-18 months.

In between appointments, hair will shed and some hair will remain because hair is always in different growth hair cycles.

Its really important that you JUST shave in-between.  You can not wax, epilate or use hair removal creams as we need the hair follicles in place to destroy with the laser.  We will explain the process carefully with you during your consultation.

We do encourage you to exfoliate and we provide you with a mitt so you can do this in between appointments.


9. How many sessions will I need?

You will need a minimum of 6 treatments.  Everyone s different so you may need a few more to fully destroy every hair.  We provide single treatments after your course and discount this for you.

A course of treatments is completed over 12 to 18months – but after that, you will be hair free for life!

Some people may need a minimum top up session every 1 – 5 years as unfortunately, as we age, we can grow / stimulate new hair growth.


10.  So where exactly do you remove hair in an intimate laser session?

We offer laser hair removal for the full body and face, but below is the areas that we treat for intimate sessions.

Bikini £55 £275
Brazilian £100 £470
Hollywood £105 £520
Back sack & crack – SAVES £50 £175 £870
Buttocks £80 £400
Butt crack £30 £135

We also offer a fantastic package deal


Full back, shoulder, back of neck & back, sack & crack – SAVES £290


Why are our results so good?

Because we have the UK’s leading and most powerful laser – at 5000watts, we are able to remove fine, blonde and residual hair.
– We use the most POWERFUL laser Technology in the UK -5000 watts
– Up to 50% hair reduction from 1 session!
– Outstanding results even on FINE and BLONDE hair.
– Eliminate razor rash & ingrown hairs
– Life long hair removal – all body areas
– Private Clinic with free parking

Our treatments are fast, safe and effective and above all  – 5 star rated!

We care about you and your skin and work with you to get the best results to make you feel wonderful.

Click here to book your free consultation and start your journey to life long super smooth silky skin.

Click here to Check out our amazing package deals!


We look forward to seeing you soon


LL Clinic

 07964 695651